sumanprofileSuman John founded Sahayak Hath in 1992, not long after she joined Youth With A Mission. Sahayak Hath means “helping hands” in Hindi, and that is exactly what she wanted to be for the poor and destitute in Pune, Maharashtra, India. After she married E.J. John in 1995, they continued the work together, expanding projects to meet the community development needs of the people living in the slum areas they were serving. In 2008, E.J. passed away very suddenly. Despite feeling the extreme pain of the loss, Suman has persevered in service to the poor and needy. Today, she and ten staff members serve the people in a variety of ways through this ministry of YWAM India in the Bhatnagar area of Pimpri, Pune, India.


Suman John's Autobiography

  • Year 1960
  • Year 1989
  • Year 1991
  • Year 1996
  • Year 2008
  • Year 2010
This year is very important in my life as a eleven months baby I became a member of Mukti at Khedgaon in Maharashtra. I grew up in Christian environment and studied in Mukti school. After finishing my education I joined Mukti as a Matron mother to take care of small children and I faithfully served my Lord here till December, 1988.
While serving in Mukti I felt deep call from my Lord Jesus to serve him in a bigger way. So I prayed to Him and joined DTS (Discipleship Training School) at Pune YWAM. Being a Christian it was not very difficult for me to go through it. And after successful completion of DTS Lord led me to do IPHC (I Primary Health Care) school in the same year and by God’s grace I could finish this school in 1991.
From this year onwards I initiated Lord’s ministry practically in the field and the first ministry began with Dias Plot Pune. I served in this ministry alone whole heartedly till November,1995.

From this year onwards I initiated Lord’s ministry practically in the field and the first ministry began with Dias Plot Pune. I served in this ministry alone whole heartedly till November,1995.
This was a year of pioneering for my husband and me in Pimpri, Pune. According to the direction of our Lord we began new ministry among slum habitants. We began to portray Jesus’ love, compassion & care among children, women and alcoholic’s families. We continue to serve our Lord and during this time He used both of us immensely .The ministry began to grow and people started discerning the love of God through this ministry.
This year was a tragic year for me as till 12th July,2008 everything was functioning very smoothly BUT 13th July,2008 was tragic day for me. My husband (Mr. E.John) got heart attack and went to be with Lord Jesus Christ. I was completely shattered and left alone in this world. But my trust was on Him and alone Him, who consoled me. After this, In spite of lots of ups and down I was broken and praying to God to bring me out of this grief and again use me in the same area but was quite difficult without the intervention of my God.
Once again Lord spoke to me and encouraged and gave me an opportunity to go for LDC (Leadership Training School) at Manali, Himachal Pradesh. During this school Lord strengthen me physically, mentally and spiritually. He challenged me again to serve Him with a great zeal and passion. So when i came back from LDC, I went to initiate the same ministry and by the grace of my God I could do it so well that I can’t imagine that I am doing it but my Lord is doing with me. I thank God that from one ministry few more ministries have sprouted out and day by day His kingdom is being expanded through these ministries in Bharat Nagar area in Pimpri, Pune.


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